On the end (?) of the Cape Breton Post, and other stories of the Maritimes

It’s not the end of the Post yet, but it could soon be. Saltwire, the company that owns the Cape Breton Post and plus 22 more papers from Eastern Canada is seeking creditor protection. It’s possible that the Post survives that somehow, but it’s looking grim. I can’t imagine a world without being able to read the Cape Breton Post, but I might have to.

Speaking of reading materials, Atlantic News in Halifax celebrated its 50th anniversary not too long ago. That’s awesome! I loved going there when I was a Dal Student in the 80s. They had every possible magazine you could imagine, and plenty of newspapers too. It was a readers dream, and no doubt it still is. (Photo above from that story.)

I would like to be living near it still, but like many Maritimers I ended up heading out of province to look for work. Here’s a good story on someone who used to judge people who chose to leave Newfoundland for work until she had to leave too. Well worth a read.

Finally, this story is a reminder of how isolated it can be in parts of Cape Breton: trapped for 5 day as water dwindled, this Cape Breton couple was thankful for snowmobile delivery.


2 responses to “On the end (?) of the Cape Breton Post, and other stories of the Maritimes

  1. The continued consolidation of news is troubling