Monthly Archives: May 2008

The Fall of twitter (and the rise of tumblr)?

I have been a fall of twitter for sometime now, but they are having serious problems due to their architecture .
(See here Twitter Technology Blog: Twittering About Architecture). I hope they get it resolved soon, before it is too late.

I have also been a fan of tumblr for some time too. So I thought it was interesting that twitter is updating their
Twitter Status using tumblr. Perhaps more people will start using tumblr as a result. Tumblr is great and worth considering.

A Brief Timeline of Blogging Engines…

Ten Reasons Gen Xers Are Unhappy at Work

This is a great article on Ten Reasons Gen Xers Are Unhappy at Work

Anyone from any generation, either a manager or a non-manager, should read it.

I find that I am on the cusp between Gen Xers and the Baby Boomers. I am technically at the end of the Baby Boomers, but I don’t feel like I belong to that group.

Perhaps this is why Bell is trying to limit bittorrent

According to, Bell launches video download store.

Read the article and decide for yourself.

Want to learn more Web 2.0 applications? Ask Jott!

Well, actually, check out Jott Links for a list of Web 2.0 apps that work with Jott. You will likely see one or two (or 10!) you have never heard of.

The use of web 2.0 in American politics

Katharine Q. Seelye of The New York Times had a good article on how Hillary Clinton — and others — are using blogs, twitter, and other approaches on the campaign trail. For example, Clinton…

“…held her first blogger-only conference call on Friday, phoning in to about 40 bloggers from the campaign trail in Oregon.

And the campaign has stepped up its use of Twitter, a social-networking service that sends short, text-based posts, to make real-time calls to arms.”

Businesses and other organizations could take lessons on how American politicians use social computing for their benefit.

P.S. For all those asking “why use twitter?”, you now have at least one (of many) answers.

Annoyed by ad spam on Facebook? Here’s how to turn it off (2008 edition)

2013 update: note, this may no longer work. I am keeping the post, but you may want to look for a more current blog posting on this topic.

You might not be able to tell from this title, Silicon Valley Users Guide: How to avoid being a Facebook shill like VC David Sze but this article tells you how to modify your facebook settings to turn off annoying ads.

Don’t worry, most people won’t. And even if they did, well don’t worry: coming up with new ways to direct advertisements to you keeps marketing folks in work.

What does the blogosphere look like?

The excellent blog has lots of cool information on data and data visualization, including some of these very cool representations of the blogosphere.

I wish I had more detail on the data, but the images are cool. 🙂

What do people think of your brand? Check it out here

brand tags has a very web 2.0 way of analyzing brands using tag clouds. I checked out Nike, Starbucks and of course, IBM, and I was not surprised by what I found.

Rate your wife!

Over at Boing Boing is this so wacky it is funny, 1939 marital rating scale for wives
I like how there are demerit points for when she “puts her cold feet on husband at night to warm them”. Actually, I thought that was kinda sweet. 🙂

Great article!

Errol Morris and W.G. Sebald or Art and History

David Byrne has a good review of Errol Morris’s new film, Standard Operating Procedure. (David Byrne Journal: 05.03.2008: Objective Truth)

I initially was disappointed by the film, since I thought it was going to be shattering in what it revealed. I hoped it would be like Morris’s “The Thin Blue Line”. As it was, the story it told through the voices of those involved didn’t appear new or interesting. However, as I thought about it afterwards, and I considered some of the ideas that Morris has been writing about, I began to think that that wasn’t the only point of the documentary. For the documentary is also a study of the question: what does photography signify? It is a question that Morris doesn’t answer so much as explore. It’s the study of this question that makes the film interesting, more so than the (hi)story of American involvement in Abu Ghraib.

It reminded me of the reviews I read about W.G. Sebald’s book, “On the Natural History of Destruction”. Many of the harshest critics of the book appeared to take it to task solely as a work of history. But Sebald is first and foremost an artist, and in this work, as in his fiction, he is exploring ideas and themes almost independent to the (hi)story at hand. To criticize him solely on his historical qualities is to miss much of the point of the writing. Likewise, to watch Morris’s film and criticize him as if he is Seymour Hersh is to also miss much of the point of his filmmaking.

iGoogle has artist themes

Ok, The wiggles may not fit in with your idea of “artists”, but regardless of your tastes, this is a cool idea. See:

iGoogle Artist Themes

P.S. Of course, some folks may not be too crazy about Jeff Koons either, but hey, there is something for everyone!

Do No Reply

Have you sometimes received an email and it seems to come from Want to know what happens to the email if you DO reply? Simple. Check out:Do Not Reply

(Thanks Jean-Francois for the tip!)

Cool twitter trick

If you paste a long URL into AND you don’t exceed 140
characters, twitter will automatically turn the URL into a tinyurl.

More good stuff from twitter!

The Top 10 BlackBerry apps

The has a list of what they think are the Top 10 BlackBerry apps

I think it is a good list, although not all apps will run on all BlackBerries (as I have discovered, having an older one)

The death of captcha, and what is next

Kevin Kelly , in his blog, The Technium talks about how spammers are using artificial intelligence to defeat captcha, the hard-to-read letters you are sometimes asked to fill in when doing an online transaction.

Harder captchas could be devised, but then people may not be able to solve them, either. You could show three pictures of flowers and have someone type in “Flowers”, but eventually computers will recognize this. Even subtler forms of recognition will eventually be defeated.

We may end up with the V-K machines in Blade Runner after all.

The subprime mortgage crisis is not over yet

Not if I read this article properly. If Bernanke is still urging such big measures, he must believe it is going to get worse. But read it and decide for yourself: Bernanke: Foreclosure woes require action – May. 5, 2008

I love…twistori

I could tell you what twistori is, but it is quick and best if you just go check it out. (Especially you twitter fans).

It’s fascinating, and one more example of why twitter rocks!

One week in the life of cherry trees in spring