Monthly Archives: November 2009

On Being A Dad

No matter how important you may be in the role you perform or the job you do, your kids see you mainly as a dad. Watching this video of President Obama Pardoning the White House Turkey, what I noticed after awhile is the response of his kids. It made me laugh, because they are being typical kids! They’re patient for a little while, but even though the speech is short, you can see them getting bored and fidgety very soon! Others in attendence might thing: oh, we get to see the President and visit the White House. For kids, they may be thinking: c’mon Dad, stop talking and pardon the turkey already!

The Apple One Day Sale and one good bargain: the Nike + iPod Sensor

Although we don’t participate in Black Friday in Canada, some retailers like Apple have good prices for Canadians, too. There aren’t great deals at the One-Day Apple Shopping Event – Apple Store (Canada), at least not that I can see, with the exception of the Nike + iPod Sensor, which is now $18.00 “Was $25.00 Save $7.00”. That’s around a 28% saving. If you need one, or you want a second/backup one, today’s a good day to get it.

Mary Walsh, as Marg Delahunty, Goes Rogue trying to talk to Sarah Palin

Well. What to say. I guess first, for those of you who don’t know, the “journalist” trying to interview Sarah Palin is actually the great Canadian comedian, Mary Walsh.  While I think the “protection” Sarah Palin has in this video is ridiculous, I have to say it’s a good thing Mary Walsh didn’t get to pin her down. Although, as you can see in the video…

Way to go, Mary! You make me proud to be a Canadian.

The Huffington Post has more here: Palin Tricked By Comedian Again, Says Canada Should Drop Public Health Care (VIDEO)

How smart reporters use Facebook and why you should know about this

Kashmir Hill is a journalist writing on how she uses Facebook for reporting. If you use Facebook, you’d be smart to read this. Even if you don’t think journalists are interested in what you are up to, others may be. They may use the same techniques to find out more about you; even things you think are private, or protected by certain privacy settings.

Take heed.

Where is Phil Agre?

Sadly, Phil Agre, who suffers from manic depression, has abandoned his apartment and his job and has disappeared, according to the All Tech Considered, Technology News And Culture Blog from NPR. If you weren’t involved with the Internet in the 1990s, you may not know who he is. But like alot of people back then, I was a big follower of his famous mailing list, Red Rock Eater. I agree with NPR, when they say:

“Agre’s online influence reaches far and wide – which makes it all the more surprising that he could have gone missing for such a long time without more people noticing. He was the publisher of the Red Rock Eaters News Service, an influential mailing list he started in the mid-1990s that ran for around a decade. A mix of news, Internet policy and politics, RRE served as a model for many of today’s political blogs and online newsletters.

I was influenced by Agre, too. I became a fan of the Red Rock Eaters list in the 90s, and encountered online references to it almost on a daily basis. I was always excited to see one of my articles or projects cited in it. With Agre’s curation, RRE reached thousands of Internet researchers, policymakers and some of the first bloggers. Agre had established a sizable online network and knew how to use it – so much so, he even published a how-to guide on using the Net to strengthen your professional relationships.”

I started my own list, Smart People I Know, due in a large part to the influence of Phil Agre and RRE. Eventually it turned into this blog.

I hope they find him safe and sound, soon.

How to describe colour? Crayola knows. The Associated Press does not.

The American Prospect points out a stupid comment made with regards to the colour of the gown that Michelle Obama wore recently, namely, AP said:

First lady Michelle Obama chose to wear a gleaming silver-sequined, flesh-colored gown Tuesday night to the first state dinner held by her husband’s administration.

Now if you look at what I underlined and then you look at this photo:

You can see it is not “flesh” colored, at least when it comes to the skin tone of Mrs. Obama. AP should know better.

AP mistakes aside, what this article did point me to was this page on the history of Crayola Crayons. I found it fascinating to see how they started with 8 basic colours in 1903, only to expand out to 48 colours in 1949. At that time, they retired Prussian Blue to Midnight Blue based on requests of teachers, and they replaced Flesh with Peach in 1962, “partially as a result of the U.S. Civil Rights Movement”.  Later on, the replaced Indian Red in 1999 with Chestnut. And in 2003 they replaced a number of other, less controversial, colours.

So there: I think it is entirely accurate to talk about the peach-coloured gown of Michelle Obama.

I am curious though about the controversy about Prussian Blue, since I believe Prussian Blue is still a paint colour that artists use. Was there some anti-Prussian sentiment that drove this change? Regardless, the Crayola page is interesting to anyone who has used one of their crayons (which is Canada and the U.S., probably everyone!)

The Matrix. Reenacted in Lego

What do you get when you spent 440 hours with Lego? Well, in this example, you get a near perfect reenactment of a scene from The Matrix, redone as Lego.

If you go to the site dedicated to this, you can see just how accurate it is and how it was made.

I think this is impressive.

Before there was Muhammad Ali, there was Sugar Ray Robinson

As dashing as he is here, he could be deadly in the ring. He is one of the greatest fighters of all time, and now there is a biography on Sugar Ray, nicely titled, ‘Sweet Thunder,’ by Wil Haygood (Review – If you know a boxing, sports, history or biography fan in your family, this could be a superb gift. It’s a great story from many different angles, and you don’t necessarily have to be fight fan to appreciate the life and times of this man. Check out the review, then head on over to Amazon or your favourite book seller and pick up a copy.

(Photo from the review, The Times of London).



Good economic news from…

Mint has published some charts that show a consumer comeback story here: Black Friday 2009 – Black Friday Sales Numbers Walmart, Best Buy, Target | MintLife Blog | Personal Finance News & Advice. This is good news overall.

What I find interesting as an aside, though, is that Mint, because it has access to alot of personal data, could potentially be a source of economic information that is unique. For example, they could aggregate information about saving and spending patterns and start making predictions better than others. And it wouldn’t have to be intrusive. People could allow for their data to be aggregated in exchange for better services.

There is awesome, and then there is this!

The Muppets perform Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen.

Awesome is too weak a word. 🙂

Twitter Best Practices for (Nonprofit) Organizations

The list found here, DIOSA | Communications: Twitter Best Practices for Nonprofit Organizations, is aimed at nonprofit organizations using Twitter, but I’d add that any organization could benefit from reviewing this list and putting these best practices into action. Anyone advocating the use of Twitter within an organization would also be well advised to incorporate these practices into their proposal.

A great list. Found via Twitter, of course!

Canadian Post – 2009 Christmas Mailing Dates are here

Canada Post – Holiday Seasons Mailing Dates are here. Avoid the rush (and additional expense) and check it out.

Cool science: What Earth Would Look Like With Rings Like Saturn

I get vertigo when I see these photos of the rings over famous cities (about 1 minute into the video). Still, it’s cool. You have to see it!

(YouTube – What Earth Would Look Like With Rings Like Saturn – found at

A modest propopal: how Goldman Sachs can really apologize

I’ve complained about Sachs before. I think there are long terms things they can do, or should be made to do, to be more accountable. They’ve taken some P.R. steps lately, but as this article rightly states (Editorial – Goldman’s Non-Apology – those are “crumbs from its table”. Instead, I like this idea alot better:

So, here’s a thought: A multibillion-dollar gift to the federal Bureau of the Public Debt, which accepts tax-deductible donations to reduce the national debt. The donation can come from the bonuses; that way, it would not harm shareholders, because they only get their cut after the bonuses are paid. Goldman’s tax savings from the donation could help finance the small-business initiative.

The article even tells them where to send a cheque/check.

If the left in the U.S. doesn’t bring them to task, the right will (or at least make noises it will, which will be good enough to defeat the left).
There’s lots that both sides could do and should do to rein Sachs in. This would be a good start.

Christmas for Minimalists

I am something of a traditionalist when it comes to Christmas, so I don’t really get this:

I hope this Nativity set didn’t cost alot! (Call me Scrooge! :))  That aside, the Christmas season and the Holidays generally are coming. Time to start thinking of decorating, gifts, and other such things.

From the always entertaining, mogg blogg.

How to train and improve your speed for (half) marathons and races generally – the Rule of 3s

I have run in five marathons and around twice as many half-marathons. My preferred race now is the half-marathon. To train for it, I go with the rule of 3s. (Actually it is more of a guideline than a rule.) I got the idea from this Runner’s World article, The Less-Is-More Marathon Plan. That plan talks about training for a marathon on only 3 runs a week. I haven’t tried that, but I have trained and run half marathons on only three runs a week, and have found it to be very successful. Indeed, running more than 3 times a week is challenging for me because I don’t have the time and because I tend to run hard and I need the next day to recover.

The other thing I like about this Less-Is-More plan is that you train hard for 3 weeks, and then you have an easy (or easier) week. I think this is a great idea, and it helps keep you on the bandwagon. (And avoid injury.) Also, they have a three week taper at the end, which I also think is smart. Finally, each run in a week has a specific purpose.

Now, this plan is pretty detailed. Frankly, I am not that good at following that much detail. Maybe I should be, but I’m not. I am ok with keeping the long run distances and even the tempo distances, but running all those speed intervals is not for me.

What I do manage to do is split up my speed training into three groups. For the first set of speed training, I do fartleks, which is essentially  where I run fast intervals in the middle 1/3 of my run on Tuesdays. Because it is fartlek, I am not too strict in how long the intervals are. Essentially I try to push my body to do speed work, and when I find the quality of the speed work going badly, I slow down and recover. I make sure I do enough of this to make it worthwhile, but I am casual enough about it that I don’t dread it. (Hey, speed work is hard work! :))

For the second set of speed training, I do hill work. I split the hill work up into longer hills and shorter, steeper hills. Again, I do a few miles of warm up runs, then do about a third of my route as hills, then slow down and cool off. I use a HRM (heart rate monitor), and try to push myself enough on the hill workouts while trying to maintain good running form. To do this, I have to shorten my stride. I also recover by running slowly (and lightly, not thudding) down the hill. I also do some speed runs on shorter hills a few weeks after the longer hill workouts are under my belt and I am feeling stronger. (Doing the shorter hills first tends to be discouraging, at least for me.)

For the third set of speed training, I do actual intervals on a track (or I use Google Maps to help me plan out stretches of road). When I am doing those, I try and mix the distances, just like I in the Plan. Intervals can be boring, so I save them for after my fartleks and hill work. Also, by this point in the training, I should be feeling much stronger. If I do intervals early, I just feel slow and this is also discouraging. Part of the trick of doing any speed work is making sure you manage your mental training as much as your physical training.

By the way, for the tempo runs, I should be getting faster as the weeks progress, so I measure my tempo not so much by how fast I am running as by how fast my heart rate is. It’s also a good way of insuring that my speed work is paying off.

Lastly, your longer runs should be at a slower pace than the tempo run. See the plan (and other places) as to what the pace for that should be. What you are trying to do on the longer runs is get accustomed to running longer without straining yourself. You should still see progress in your pace, though, even though the effort you are exerting is less than what you will ultimately exert in the race.

At race day, the only thing that should prevent you from running faster than ever is bad luck. So, good luck! I hope you run fast and run well!

If you want to know what is the best economy car to buy now, read this

I loved this article: Cars are evil. Which one should I buy? – The Globe and Mail. I liked the banter, I liked the advice, and I even liked the comments at the end. By the time you finish reading it, you will not only know which new economy cars are cheap and reliable, but why you should get one versus another. There’s lots of good detail in this article (you will even appreciate why you want to choose a hatchback over a sedan).

Personally I like this Nissan Versa, but decide for yourself. Even if you aren’t getting a car right now, save this for later. Or just read it for a good chuckle.



More Photoshop catastrophes, this time of Demi Moore on W. Sheesh.

I honestly don’t know why we just don’t have drawings of people on covers and dispense with the fiction that these “photographs” are supposed to be of a real person. Take this photo:

Even someone with an unskilled eye, like myself, can see the (bad) photoshopping here. And W is no small time magazine. They must have a big staff and no doubt more than one person gets to critique the cover before it gets printed. Sad.

A more thorough / brutal criticism of this hack job can be found here: Was Demi Moore Ralph-Laurenized on “W” mag cover, with missing hip-flesh? – Boing Boing. I hope the original photo surfaces.

BTW, I love how “Ralph Lauren” is now a verb, and not a good one, either. Serves him right.

There is picky, and then there is font-nerd picky

Have you ever had your vacation ruined because the font on a sign was poorly chosen? Or upset by a movie because the font (on a pressure gage, no less) was anachronistic? If you are, then you are likely a font nerd! Font nerds are obsessive about…well, fonts. If you are one or you know one (and I know several), then you will know exactly what I am talking about. If you don’t, read this, Design – Mistakes in Typography Grate the Purists –, and be glad you wouldn’t be able to identify Helvetica if someone put a gun to your head. 🙂

Is the world going to end in 2012, you wonder? NASA’s got your back

Short answer from NASA: No. The world will not end in 2012. At least, not according to the reasons found in the film 2012.

The detailed answer is here: NASA – 2012: Beginning of the End or Why the World Won’t End?

As an aside, I came across this because of a comment from someone who thought this was sad: that NASA had to debunk the movie. But to me, I think it is a great idea that NASA did this. If films like 2012 encourage people to learn more about science and be more science-literate, then that is a good thing. In fact, in answering these questions, they touch on astronomy, geophysics, and science history. Perhaps some kid reading this will be interested in learning more about these things. I remember watching “Chariots of the Gods” when I was a kid, and I was determined to know more about these things. Dubious science fiction can lead to better knowledge.

China: one nation or nine?

Very interesting: The Atlantic has an interactive map showing the The Nine Nations of China. While it’s debatable to call them the nine nations or the nine regions of China,  it is without a doubt a great look at how China differs in as you go from one part to another.

Saturday Night Music: Knotty Pine, Dirty Projectors & David Byrne

The Dirty Projectors were in town this weekend. In case you haven’t heard them before, here there are doing Knotty Pine with David Bryne. As a big fan of Byrne, I can see the affinity he has with this band. (Although one of the You Tube comments was: “This song would be better if it was just the chick singing. The guys’ voices who sing the second half totally pale in comparison to the awesome voice of chicky.” Kids today. :)) Not everyone cup of tea, but old fans of David Byrne should check this out. (And young fans of Dirty Projectors should check out David Byrne!)


YouTube – Knotty Pine – Dirty Projectors & David Byrne

Give art for Christmas – get it at Art Interiors’s 16th Annual Festival of Smalls

If you want a great inexpensive gift idea for someone this Christmas and you are in the Toronto area, I suggest you check out the 16th Annual Festival of Smalls. Art Interiors is a wonderful gallery in Toronto that annually features smaller works by fine artists at  low prices. There’s a wide array of art works that would appeal to anyone. And at those prices, you can afford it.

One of my favourite artists, Emily Bickell, is featured again. I love her abstract water paintings, like this one:

As well, a friend of mine, Jay Hodgins, has a number of his pieces featured in the Festival, including this one, which I really like:

If you are wondering: are they all abstract, then I give you this great work of Canadiana by Elizabeth Lennie, called Shinny 20 (appropriately enough):


Go check out the site, here: Art Interiors.

Better yet, go to the gallery and buy something for someone. Oh, and sure, get something for yourself, too. 🙂

Why I prefer Yahoo Maps over Google Maps

When I speak to people about directions, they usually refer to Google Maps. However, I have been burned twice by Google Maps giving me the wrong directions. For example, yesterday, I was going to 165 University Ave, Toronto, ON, Canada and I entered this in and was giving the wrong information and ended up almost being late for my interview. The previous time I was late for a funeral when I ended up miles away from my destination.

Yahoo! Maps has the correct information (as it did the last time). At a minimum I recommend you check both of them, especially if you have an important appointment. Or just use Yahoo! Maps.

The paradox of high-end fashion…

…is that what the designers themselves wear is (more or less) like what everyone else in the world wears. As this article — Fashion Duds | What Designers Wear – The Moment Blog –  — points out, there are exceptions, like Karl Lagerfeld. (I’d add Gianfranco Ferre.) But lots of designers, be they Alexander McQueen, Dries Van Noten, or Georgio Armani, tend to dress pretty casually.

But don’t believe me: go the the Moment Blog and see the slide show.

Imogen Heap – “Let Go” (Live)

A rougher, richer version of it

YouTube – Imogen Heap – “Let Go”

How to prepare pig face, or the joy of butchery

Seriously. If you are fascinated by the preparation of food and especially meat like I am, you will be interested in the blog Road To…, which is

…something that chefs including (the author) could use and share techniques that are currently not in books or an interpretation of classic preparations.

For example, how often do you see how to prepare pig’s face?

The author gives a great step by step breakdown of how to prepare this and much more.

Let’s face it: if you saw this:

Especially if it was served with a sauce, you might not think twice about it. 🙂 But that’s what the pig’s face looks like served up.

It’s a great blog/site. Highly recommended for serious food people.

Why I love the site calorie count

What I love about the site  Calorie Count is not only does it tell you the nutritional facts of many popular fast foods, like the Calories in Starbucks Coffee – Cappuccino, but it also gives you nicely printed nutritional labels. (Essentially, they are the same labels you get on most food you buy from the grocery store.)

I think it would be great if all large chains printed such labels with their food.  Of course they won’t, unless they have to. But if most people saw on a regular basis how many calories were in a blueberry scone or some of those coffee flavoured drinks, for instance,  they might have alot less of them, and one would hope they would switch over to something more reasonable.

Regardless, I recommend you check out Calorie Count, especially if you frequent fast food places. Print off some labels of the foods you regularly eat. You might find yourself making better choices.




iPhone and the demise of cameras, PSPs, and every other digital handheld device

Kodak and other camera makers should note this photo:


I see people taking photos with five iPhones in this picture: not a camera amongst the lot. Indeed, it is a misnomer to call the iPhone a “Phone”, for it really is a computer. It can make phone calls, take photos, run games…you name it, it will be able to do most of it.


I think there will still be specialty devices, but they will be for niches, not the mainstream. Right now the mainstream is looking like this photo here (from TPM Photo Galleries)

How to more than double the size of Canada – or Gallup and the desire of people worldwide to emigrate

Gallup found that over 16% of adults in the world would emigrate if they could, which means 700 Million Worldwide Desire to Migrate Permanently to some country. Where do they want to move?

Interestingly, 45 million people would move to Canada if they could. Not as big as the 165 million who would move to the U.S., but pretty signifigant.

And where do they want to move from?

Largely from sub-Saharan Africa. While I think that in any region, there is always a percentage of the population that has the desire to move regardless of the conditions, conditions in any region has a great deal to do with whether or not someone wants to move.

In the near future, there will be alot more movement of people. With technology and knowledge, moving is easier than ever before. The thing standing in the way is nationalism. I suspect in the 21st century, the will of people to move is going to give nationalism a pounding.

(Found through Matt Yglesias)

Night Music – with Debbie Harry and company

Night Music, first known as Sunday Night, was a short lived show that lasted for 2 seasons — 1988-1990 — but had some great musicians on it. If you go here on YouTube, you can see great videos from the show of Marcus Roberts, Youssou N’Dour, Sting, Curtis Mayfield, the Pixies, Sonny Rollins…the list goes on. Much of it rarely seen.

For example, I think this bit by Debbie Harry is great, yet it has less than 20,000 views. It deserves more. See:

Tips for waiters

The has them here: 100 Things Restaurant Staffers Should Never Do (Part 1) – You’re the Boss Blog –

One of my faves is #38.Do not call a guy a “dude.”

Dusk, Toronto

This is the park I walk through to and from work. It’s a great park, I think, with lots of great trees, plenty of space for many different activities, and a wonderful place to toboggan in the winter. In the front of it is a community center that has won awards for the excellence of the architecture.  I don’t have a big yard, but with such a great park 2 minutes away, I don’t need one.

Fashion week comes to Pakistan

Fashion week is held in various parts of the world, and it is often (big) business as usual. But it is a big deal when it comes to other places, like Pakistan. After many challenges, the first Fashion week has comes to Pakistan, despite the difficulty of mounting such a show there. This Yahoo! News/AP news story nicely illustrates the difficulty of mounting such a show in Karachi. The story also highlights the multifaceted nature of fashion, which can represent freedom, beauty, shallowness, wealth, style, and so much more.

For my part, I thought the clothes and the models look great. I’m not sure the Taliban would agree. Then again, that’s partially the point.

(Model unknown. Clothes by Pakistani designer Feeha Noor Jamshed. Photo by Athar Hussain (PAKISTAN FASHION)/REUTERS))

Somalia: love (and cell phones) in a dangerous time

There is a fascinating article here, Cheap mobile calls help more young couples elope from Yahoo! News/Reuters, on how mobile phone technology is rapidly changing life for people in Somalia. This is not to underestimate the overall situation there. That in itself is a large factor in the rapid change in society in this Horn of Africa country. But certainly mobile phones are accelerating the change.

Like many cultures, marriage and courtship is changing rapidly. But what is happening in Somalia is dramatic to me. Where once,

you gave the girl’s parents 11 camels and an AK-47 assault rifle as bride price and then waited respectfully…
Today, even reasonable boys pay just $50 bride price and a copy of the holy Koran after making the girl pregnant or seeing her secretly for months.


And as a parent in Canada, I would agree with this:

Many older residents say the prevalence of handsets and such cheap tariffs — among the lowest in the world — is making the lives of youngsters unrecognizable.


If anything, I would argue this is a universal refrain among parents and other adults, regardless of the part of the world they live in.

Like I said, it’s a fascinating story (and fantastic material for a novel). Check it out.

(Found on Matthew Ygelsias’s blog. Photo of women from Somalia from ctsnow’s photostream on


Large Hadron Collider has a bug…I mean, bagette (new computer term?)

The term “bug”, used to describe a computer or software problem, had its origins in an actual bug (a moth) causing failure in an old Mark II computer from the 1940s.

It appears we need to come up with a new term: a bagette. For it seems that the Large Hadron Collider stalled again… thanks to chunk of baguette, according to the Times Online. Perhaps “bug” can be used for small problems and “bagette” can be used for larger, more expensive problems.

So, kids, no miniature black holes being created this time. But given that the LHC can be shut down over a piece of bread, I am less assured when scientists say that such a device can’t create a black hole.


Reasons you can be denied healthcare in the U.S.: heartburn

I have often read about the dreaded “pre-existing conditions” that prevent people in the U.S. from being able to optain health insurance. I assumed these were serious medical conditions, like cancer or some other chronic or life threatening problems. But according to this, Healthburn | Dustin Curtis , the author was denied insurance because he reported having had heartburn. Yes, that’s right.

You should read the whole thing.

The more I learn about health insurance in America, the more I think it is the biggest  bamboozlement pulled on the American public since cigarettes.

How does 2009 H1N1 flu compare to seasonal flu in terms of its severity and infection rates?

Taken from the Centre for Disaease Control’s web site. Here’s what’s on the page, CDC H1N1 Flu | H1N1 Flu and You ( Iadded the bold):

How does 2009 H1N1 flu compare to seasonal flu in terms of its severity and infection rates?
With seasonal flu, we know that seasons vary in terms of timing, duration and severity. Seasonal influenza can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death. Each year, in the United States, on average 36,000 people die from flu-related complications and more than 200,000 people are hospitalized from flu-related causes. Of those hospitalized, 20,000 are children younger than 5 years old. Over 90% of deaths and about 60 percent of hospitalization occur in people older than 65.

When the 2009 H1N1 outbreak was first detected in mid-April 2009, CDC began working with states to collect, compile and analyze information regarding the 2009 H1N1 flu outbreak, including the numbers of confirmed and probable cases and the ages of these people. The information analyzed by CDC supports the conclusion that 2009 H1N1 flu has caused greater disease burden in people younger than 25 years of age than older people. At this time, there are relatively fewer cases and deaths reported in people 65 years and older, which is unusual when compared with seasonal flu. However, pregnancy and other previously recognized high risk medical conditions from seasonal influenza appear to be associated with increased risk of complications from this 2009 H1N1. These underlying conditions include asthma, diabetes, suppressed immune systems, heart disease, kidney disease, neurocognitive and neuromuscular disorders and pregnancy.

Quick update on H1N1 vaccines in Toronto, especially midtown Toronto

I realize this is very specific, but better more (good) information than less. I received this from my councillor:

This is to advise you that the City’s Public Health Department will be holding H1N1 vaccination clinics for 6 weeks, starting Monday November 2nd.  Public Health has designated the North Toronto Memorial Community Centre, 200 Eglinton Avenue West , as one of the clinic locations.

Toronto Public Health has just announced that the H1N1 vaccination clinics to be held next week will be open to members of priority groups only. This restriction of the vaccine has been mandated by the provincial Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.  This measure ensures that those people most at risk of serious illness will get their vaccine.  Public Health is asking healthy people who are not in the priority groups to be patient and to not attend these clinics.

The priority groups include:

pregnant women;
children 6 months to 5 years;
people under 65 with chronic conditions;
people who live with or care for infants under 6 months old and immuno-compromised people; and
health care workers.

For the first two weeks, the vaccine clinic hours will be:

Monday, November 2nd – Friday, November 6th, from 1 p.m. – 7 p.m. AND Saturday, November 7th, from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. <For Priority Groups Only>

Tuesday, November 10th – Friday, November 13th, from 1 p.m. – 7 p.m. AND Saturday, November 14th, from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. <For the General Public>

Please note, for the first few weeks Public Health is anticipating that a large volume of people will be visiting the clinic so please expect delays.  There are vending machines (drinks only) at the Community Centre but no food is available in close proximity.

We are doing what we can to manage the situation but please keep in mind that parking is limited at the Community Centre.  Therefore, we are asking people to use public transit or carpool.  Your patience would be appreciated as there will be increased traffic and a higher volume of cars parked on nearby side streets for the next 6 weeks.

For more information on other clinic locations or the H1N1 flu virus, please visit the City’s website at

I would highly recommend that anyone wanting more information on this go to a more authoritative source, such as your doctor. Or visit the City of Toronto’s web site on H1N1

Autumn Leaves

The park near my house is beautiful, with a wide variety of great looking trees. However, sometimes scenes of beauty can be at your feet. Like here:

Fall Leaves

The sun was bright white this morning, and the leaves were scattered nicely across the dirt. I love Fall: it’s a season so nice, they had to name it twice. 🙂