Monthly Archives: October 2019


Is China’s government ever going to grow up?

I have thought a lot about this piece since I read it: Is China’s government ever going to grow up? – The Washington Post Key quote from it:

.. the sad truth is that as China rises, instead of embracing a superpower mindset and growing a thicker skin, it is becoming increasingly more sensitive to perceived slights — all while it fosters a thin-skinned, resentful nationalism among its people.

I wonder why China is so thin-skinned and taking action against any one doing the slight thing (e.g. favouring a tweet). It is the response of a weak country or a bully, not a strong one. China is a strong nation: it should act like one.


What are the most beautiful streets in New York City?

The folks at the Thrillist have a great list, here, including images such as the one above.

It would be great to go to NYC again just to visit some or all of these.


How to make your brain healthier

Easy. Follow these five tips:  ‘I’m a neurologist, and these are the 5 things I do to keep my brain healthy’ | Well+Good

Some of them are easy and obvious, some not. And some are a 2 fer: exercise your body and you help your brain, too.



Thinking about work (especially if you are not motivated)

If you don’t feel like working this Monday, you can at least read some pieces about work that might help you get motivated.


A trick to resolve issues with YAML files for Kubernetes

I was going through this exercise for Using Calico network policies to block traffic when I thought that instead of deploying the webserver image using this command:

kubectl run webserver --replicas=3

I would create a yaml file to deploy the webserver instead. Unfortunately, there was something about my yaml file that preventing things from working. That’s when I came across this trick.

  • Step 1: deploy the web server using the kubectl run command.
  • Step 2:  run the following command to get the YAML back for the deployment

kubectl get deployment webserver --output yaml > webserver.yaml

  • Step 3: edit the webserver.yaml file to remove extra lines. For me, I was able to remove:
    •  the status section
    • the annotations section
    • the strategy section
    • etc.

And just keep the following lines (note, note formatted properly):

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
run: webserver
name: webserver
namespace: default
replicas: 3
run: webserver
run: webserver
- image:
name: webserver

Now, you do not have to edit the file. But I think this is cleaner than the full version that comes back.

So you can delete the deployment that was the result of the command line and instead build future deployments using the yaml file.


Atoms Shoes: now in quarter sizes

Among other good features of  Atoms Shoes is their availability in quarter sizes. So if you really want an accurate fit, you can get it. They are a nice looking shoe, too. Worth checking out.


For MacOS users who need a simple and free stopwatch or timer

 This tool seems pretty good. Using it right now.


Quick and Easy School Night Meals

Not just for people with kids: Giadzy 5 Quick and Easy School Night Meals

Your week is going to be busy enough. You need a meal plan. That list can help.


For DIY fans looking for something to do this weekend….

I recommend this site and this section of it: Poppytalk – do it yourself

Lots of good projects here. And there’s also a part of the site dedicated to Ikea hacks. Worth checking out.


Even weekend exercisers get to live longer

Image of person running

Hard to believe, but according to this:

Working out only on the weekends or otherwise compressing your total physical activity into one or two prolonged runs or a single vigorous basketball or soccer game each week could lessen your risks of dying prematurely almost as effectively as more frequent, shorter workouts spread throughout the week, according to an interesting new study of the so-called weekend warrior phenomenon.

So you had a bad week and never hit the gym once. Don’t despair: sneak a weekend workout in and do yourself a favour.


It’s fall. You need a scarf. Here’s how to tie it

…via the good people at Leffot.

Check out their shoes: they are amazing.


The greatest thing Obama did

Is the one thing about the Obama legacy that can’t be repealed. Namely this:

There is no mystery about Barack Obama’s greatest presidential achievement: He stopped the Great Recession from becoming the second Great Depression.

Obama did many important things, Obamacare being the obvious. As someone who had seen many failed attempts at achieving this, to see him team with Pelosi and others to achieve this was astounding.

That said, there would have been nothing accomplished by Obama if the US spiralled into a second Great Depression, dragging down the world economy with it. I continue to see criticism of the actions taken by his team then, especially among progressives. They argue that more should have been done. You can google “Obama terrible” and find pieces like this.

Time will tell, but so far Obama is holding up as anything but terrible. I predict he will rise in Presidential standing in the future. Meanwhile, the world is in much better shape due to the actions he took in the early stages of his presidency to avert worldwide economic disaster.


How to learn physics, via Susan Fowler

Susan is famous now (for good reason!), but before she was famous, she wrote this excellent blog post:  If Susan Can Learn Physics, So Can You — Susan Fowler.

I came across it because I was trying to learn physics again. (I started off taking physics ages ago but dropped it because, well, long story, but I ended up in Computer Science and Mathematics and went on to have a career at IBM so it worked out.) I followed a lot of Susan’s advice, and while I am not good at physics yet, I highly recommend this to anyone serious about it. (Just stay away from programs that want to weed out most of the class because they want small class sizes.)

(Image via Susan’s blog)


A good profile on Jimmy Carter, who is 95 years young today

This recent piece in the Washington Post is a reminder what a good man and what an under appreciated President that Jimmy Carter was: The un-celebrity president: Jimmy Carter shuns riches, lives modestly in his Georgia hometown – The Washington Post.

He was dealt a bad hand a number of times, but he achieved greatness too. His greatest deed may have been to allow the United States to transition from the debacle that was the Nixon Presidency.  Like Obama with the Great Recession, he saved the country from those that would harm it.


Do you want an old rez image of yourself?

marcus eating sausage

In this day of increasing good cameras, of course you do. So grab a photo you want to convert and go here. Satisfaction guaranteed, and very fast turnaround. 🙂