Have we reached peak chore coat yet?

It looks we have reached peak chore coat, based on this: How Paynter Jacket Co. Found Success With Limited-Edition Chore Coats )in The New York Times).

I’ve seen more and more men wearing them, especially around the time of peak pandemic. But men have been wearing them for ages. In some ways a chore coat reminds me of a denim jacket: once the domain of workers, it has been absorbed by the fashionable.

If you’re interested, note that you don’t need to snag a limited-edition version that costs hundreds of dollars. You can see plenty of them on ebay, for example. Plus some retailers sell them from time to time. I purchased some at Old Navy not too long ago.

Hard to say if chore coats will go out of style or remain classic the way denim or khakis have. I hope they do: they fill a niche that no other coat does.

(Photo of the late great Bill Cunningham, known for wearing chore coats as he cycled around New York.)

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