This is SERIOUS Lego building! Of Le Corbusier’s Villa Savoye, no less

This is impressive for Lego neophytes like me. Lots more cool photos here

(Found this via Geekdad).

5 responses to “This is SERIOUS Lego building! Of Le Corbusier’s Villa Savoye, no less

  1. Wow!

    Amazing building, perfect details.

    It looks similar to the real villa.

    I love it.

  2. Very neat! The buildings my grandson and I make with lego are usually not so open with such clean lines. We recently made a hospital but it was pretty cluttered once we got the beds and telehealth equipment set up. I am inspired 🙂

  3. sorry if is a stupid question: can buy it?

    • smartpeopleiknow

      Not a stupid question at all! Lego has a line of Architectural products which is great. Here’s a link to them. Sadly, Villa Savoye does not appear to be featured as a product. However, you could either contact LEGO, or check the comments in the page I refer to, and you could ask the builder of it and see if it is possible to get a copy. Sorry I can’t say: “yes, you can buy it here”.