Tag Archives: murakami

Do you love music? Then you want to read Absolutely on Music by Murakami and Ozawa

The great conductor Seiji Ozawa died last week. The New York Times has his obit here. If you don’t know much about him, I recommend you read that obiturary.

Regardless of how much you knew of the man, if you haven’t read it already, I hope you have the chance to read the book he did with Haruki Murakami, Absolutely on Music. Anyone who loves music will get something out of this book, which is a document of six conversations the two men had. (It’s a podcast before they were a thing, so to speak.) And no you don’t have to be an expert in classical music to get enjoyment from reading it.

Here’s a review of the book. And here more on the book from the publisher.

Get a copy today.