Tag Archives: DavidByrne

Six cool things to start off your Monday

  1. This obit of Red Paden, the “Juke Joint ‘King’ Who Kept the Blues Alive” is great not just because of the man himself, but the culture and history his life embodied. Well worth a read. (Image above from that article by Rory Doyle.)
  2. For fans of David Byrne (like myself) who like to dance (not me), here’s how to dance like David using this easy to follow instructional video.
  3. For fans of Rubik cubes and those who want to solve them.
  4. Here’s a piece on the world’s smallest car which comes as a kit that you can build yourself. Amazing.
  5. I love Charleston and I love maps, so I really love these 7 amazing illustrated maps of that city. (Map by Lucy Davey from this article.)
  6. This was as good of a story on the month of January as I could imagine. From the Paris Review.


Who’s excited about the restored 4K version of Stop Making Sense?! This guy!!

I’ve been a fan of David Byrne and Talking Heads for many a years and have written about them often. (See those links.) And I am writing about them again, because according to Pitchfork,  the “1984 concert film, Stop Making Sense, is going to get restored in 4K and re-released theatrically by A24”. Not only that, but “a deluxe edition of the Stop Making Sense soundtrack will come out on vinyl and digitally on August 18.” This got me very excited!

When I was younger, I would love to wander up to the Bloor Cinema in Toronto and watch Stop Making Sense. As a rep movie theatre, it would often play it on the weekend. Even when the Bloor was renovated and turned into the HotDocs theatre, it still plays the film from time to time. And I still love to go see it. I’ve lost track of how many dozens of times I’ve enjoyed it. And now you and I can soon enjoy it in 4K! Woo!

P.S. For people who don’t know of the film, see this: Stop Making Sense .

Here’s the YouTube trailer for the re release…it’s great:

I love that the music for it is Naive Melody…my favorite song in the film.

Click here if the video doesn’t appear.

Billy Bragg and David Byrne on streaming and music

David Byrne kicked off the discussion on music streaming with a long and thoughtful post. Billy Bragg picked up on that and replied with an equally long and thoughtput post, fround here (Streaming Debate: Billy Bragg’s Response To Byrne’s ‘How Will The Wolf Survive…’ — MusicTank.). I highly encourage anyone who is interested in music, the music business, or music and IT to read both of these.

If you go to the Billy Bragg link, you’ll also get to see a link to David Byrne.