Tag Archives: parisreview

Six cool things to start off your Monday

  1. This obit of Red Paden, the “Juke Joint ‘King’ Who Kept the Blues Alive” is great not just because of the man himself, but the culture and history his life embodied. Well worth a read. (Image above from that article by Rory Doyle.)
  2. For fans of David Byrne (like myself) who like to dance (not me), here’s how to dance like David using this easy to follow instructional video.
  3. For fans of Rubik cubes and those who want to solve them.
  4. Here’s a piece on the world’s smallest car which comes as a kit that you can build yourself. Amazing.
  5. I love Charleston and I love maps, so I really love these 7 amazing illustrated maps of that city. (Map by Lucy Davey from this article.)
  6. This was as good of a story on the month of January as I could imagine. From the Paris Review.



You want short novels? The Paris Review got your back

As they say, here is: A Very Short List of Very Short Novels with Very Short Commentary.

Some of these you may have read, but chances are there are a few you haven’t. I recommend short novels to people who want to read more and are stuck with not having read anything recently. Better still, read good short novels. Every book on that short list is a good book.


Advice on writing is often terrible. The advice of Kazuo Ishiguro is not….

And thanks to Emily Temple, who has compiled much of this advice in one article, which is here:  Kazuo Ishiguro: ‘Write What You Know’ is the Stupidest Thing I’ve Ever Heard at Literary Hub.

Worth reading, both for fans of the author and for writers looking to improve their craft.

(Image via The Paris Review, which has a good interview with Ishiguro here.)

Two portraits of a great writer: Robert Caro

Robert Caro

I find Caro a fascinating person and this portrait of him in this Paris Review interview is well worth reading: Paris Review – Robert Caro, The Art of Biography No. 5.

It’s worth comparing it to this piece on him in the New York Times that talks about his routine, including how he goes to a separate office in Manhattan just to work and that he wears formal business attire to do so. A rare life writing about another rare life.

A superb interview in the Paris Review of the great Italo Calvino

Can be found here: Paris Review – The Art of Fiction No. 130, Italo Calvino.

Paris Review interviews are generally good, and this one of Calvino is no exception.